Are You Getting A Doggie Ready For The Holidays?

Do you own a dog? If so, he or she might be so loved that he or she is considered as a real part of the family. Perhaps, you don't own your own dog, but you have grown to love your grandoggie, your married children's pet. No matter if the dog is your own or if it is a treasured friend that belongs to somebody else, you might have an interest in getting the dog ready for the upcoming holidays.

Four Tips For Boarding An Anxious Dog

Do you suspect that your dog suffers from anxiety? Maybe he chews things up when you're away or starts pacing around the home whenever anything changes in his environment. Taking such a nervous, anxious dog to a boarding facility may not seem like the best idea, but when you are going on vacation, you may have no other choice. Here are four tips to make time in a boarding facility easier on your anxious pup.

Leaving Your Puppy For The First Time: Should You Board?

Having a puppy is a lot like having a human baby. They demand almost constant attention and care, and they quickly win your heart over with their sweetness. When the time comes for you to go on vacation or travel for work for the first time after getting your puppy, you have a big decision to make. Should you board your little furry family member while you're away, or should you have a friend watch him?

The Dos And Don'ts Of Toenail Trimming: A Guide For Dog Owners

Regularly trimming your dog's toenails will help prevent foot deformities, scratches, and damaged floors. While you can certainly turn to a professional groomer to trim your dog's nails every month or so, most owners are capable of handling this task on their own with the right tools and attention to detail, Follow these do's and don'ts to trim your dog's nails safely and effectively. Do: Be patient. If your dog is young and new to nail trimming, he may not particularly enjoy the process.

Veterinary Care For Pet Birds

Many species of birds are easy to care for and make wonderful pets. Some of the popular bird species that make good pets include parakeets (budgerigars), cockatiels, cockatoos, conures, finches, lovebirds, macaws, and many kinds of parrots. To keep your pet bird healthy and in top condition, it is important to have annual avian veterinary examinations to discover abnormalities before serious health diseases and conditions can occur. During these annual avian exams, you can have your pet bird groomed by your avian veterinarian to keep them comfortable and strong.